Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Am The Wig Man (Koo Koo Ka Choo)

First of all, I am still working on becoming wireless (and of course tubeless but that's a separate issue) and I haven't written as much lately as I'd wanted to because I've been sort of brain dead at times and honestly sometimes I couldn't quite make it into my study. You see my day consists of getting up, which takes much longer than it used to although I have to say that after a couple of weeks of nourishing up with these cans of "food" I feel like I have more energy than say, a month ago. But anyway, I get up, walk around a bit and feed Gracie the dog and then I take a walk with a friend and maybe go to the market, just to feel like a normal person, and I buy paper products as I've told you before and then I come home and feed on the couch and read the paper and a book and the day goes by, the day goes by, my my how the day goes by. And then suddenly it's night time and I watch In Treatment, which has now finished it's run and for those who were hooked, were you not pleased as punch that he had a panic attack that knocked him on his ass!! And then it's bed time where I sleep like a log until the day starts all over again.

However...Monday things will change. It will be my first day of second round chemo. Am I a bit freaked out? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! I already throw up and I am already tired and we know chemo just makes all of that worse so YES, THIS IS GOING TO BE A MAJOR BUMMER and I was so looking forward to this year and it never really got off the ground now did it? If you read back I've had two good days so far this year. TWO. Oh yes, I am grateful for those days. Oh yes, I am doing a dance of gratitude right now. BUT COULD SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK HERE!

Hmmmm. Someone. And just who might that someone be, can you tell me that? And, of course, the answer is...NO ONE. There is no one who can help me because it's all random and it's all good luck and bad luck and happy days and sad days and just plain old days and to stop myself from spewing I will now tell you about something good that is probably going to happen soon...

I was told that after a couple of chemos, I should be able to eat. Not much. But something. Little bits. A tiny piece of cheese. Some apple. Food. I will be able to eat food. I am very excited about that. Very excited. My apple and Havarti are waiting for me in the other room. Oh happy day.

My friend took me to the wig man that other day. Wasn't sure I would make it because I hadn't been unhooked from my food machine for more than two hours but we did it. And it was worth every minute without sustainance. It was great. His "salon" was in a little old California bungalow type place on Westwood Blvd. You walk in and there is a tiny room with a television playing on the floor and a lovely Asian woman watching it and working on some hair thing. I believe she was his wife. The whole place was covered in hair and wigs and pictures on the wall of old fashioned beauty salons and ladies with very big hair and it was pretty much a mess. A beautiful mess. I loved it. And the guy comes out and he's a little guy with grey hair wearing a grey sweatshirt also covered with hair and he leads me into his backroom which has a salon chair set up in front of a small mirror and he tells me that when he was nineteen he was in a rock and roll band and he worked as a hairdresser to make money and the rock and roll died but he continued doing hair only now it's only wigs. And he sort of liked me and we laughed about the sixties and he measured my head and I have to say it was sort of fun in a freaky sort of way since I was there because I am about to go BALD and that is rather horrifying but I like that this guy is making me a wig and you know, I think he's going to do a really good job. And I don't know if I mentioned this but I have a "perscription" for my wig so insurance can cover some of it and on the perscription it says...cranial prosthetic.......................Of course with that description I picture having leg on my head but whatever.....................

Actually, life is pretty good even when it's bad. Please, I'm looking out at trees and I'm not worried about insurance and I am a lucky human being on so many levels.

BUT I AM PISSED OFF and I can't wait to feel normal again and wait, I think I hear my Havarti calling. Or maybe that's a squirrel.

On to Round Two.......................................


Marlene said...

High school was a million songs ago, but the melody lingers on. I remember you as the adorable cheerleader with effervescence and personality to spare. Nothing can alter the truth of your immense talent and life force. I wish you a complete recovery from all your hurts and pains as soon as possible. And a great wig. Marlene

kenju said...

I really love that you can joke about the cranial prosthetic. A good attitude goes far in this world, no matter what the challenges. Good show!

Anonymous said...

I like that your spirits and wit are in great shape. You didn't tell us what kind of wig you ordered!!! Maybe next time.

It is great that you are getting prepared w/ wig ahead of time and that you are looking forward to FOOD!!! Hang in there, Anne

Lyla said...

Trish, you keep us all laughing. I hope someone is doing the same for you. XO

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Darling Trish...Hope today went well, my dear and not too many side effects, Pray God!
I want to know what this wig is going to look like...Is it the "Annie" Hair? Probably not...!
Thinking of you my dear, and sending you love & hugs....!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Ooops! I forgot to say that I was VERY VERY Relieved that HE had a Panic attack...! And I heard a very distressing rumor...That In Treatment might not be renewed because Gabriel Byrne is being a little diffiuclt....I saym Give this man anything he wants!! HBO are a-holes if they don;t!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Mima said...

Good luck with the next round of chemo, and I really hope that you can eat something, it will make all the difference to be able to do something "normal"! Hope the wig comes out well too.

Jersey-free said...

If you hunger for a White House sub or my Aunt Ruth's lima beans, I'd ship or shuck. After all, if it weren't for you, I might never have been so inspired to jog, go to the gym or aim high. Do hope you feel as great as you write!

Mum said...

Hey trish- Baltmore checking in again, Good luck on the next phase of hell. I think of you and send love and light.
Nurse b